by Brooklyn Eye Care | Jul 5, 2023 | Eye Care, Systemic Disease
Down Syndrome is a congenital disability that occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. It is the most common genetic disorder in humans and manifests as physical and intellectual developmental delays. Individuals with Down Syndrome often experience several...
by Brooklyn Eye Care | Jun 5, 2023 | Eye Care, Retina, Systemic Disease
Bleeding in the back of the eye is called a retinal hemorrhage. Retinal hemorrhages occur within the retina, the part of the eye responsible for vision production. The retina has many blood vessels, which are necessary for its functions. Retinal hemorrhages occur when...
by Brooklyn Eye Care | Nov 21, 2022 | Systemic Disease
Diabetes is one of the most common chronic medical conditions in the United States. It is recommended that anyone with diabetes have a yearly eye exam that includes a dilation. While it is important for anyone to have routine eye health exams, for those with diabetes...
by Brooklyn Eye Care | Nov 10, 2022 | Eye Care, Systemic Disease
A choroidal nevus is an area in the back of the eye that has a darker color and may also have associated findings around it. This area is similar to a freckle on the skin, in that it is differently colored but not considered malignant or concerning. A choroidal nevus...
by Brooklyn Eye Care | Oct 10, 2022 | Eye Care, Systemic Disease
Brain injuries such as a stroke can have significant impact on the eyes and on vision. Depending on the cause of the brain injury and the location of the damage in the brain, visual field loss, double vision, or blurred vision may occur. Treatment options for these...